Apartment Complex

Gainesville, FL

pet friendly apartments in Gainesville, FL

Pavilion on 62nd

People should prioritize their fitness because it improves their quality of life and overall health. However, individuals sometimes fail to fit into a regular exercise routine because of the busyness of daily living. Others reside in areas where it is difficult to access exercise equipment. Pavilion on 62nd is a large complex with two bedroom apartments in Gainesville, FL, and a 24-hour fitness center. Along with the workout facility that the neighborhood has, its community teams also provide residents with entertaining fitness-related events and information. Additionally, tenants can enjoy the area's other sporting amenities, including the racquetball court, indoor basketball half-court, sand volleyball court, and two swimming pools.

Housing Stats in Gainesville, FL

The median home cost in Gainesville, Florida is $271,700. Home appreciation in the last 10 years has been 118.4 percent, which is an increase of 15.0 percent. Gainesville's real estate is 36 years old on average. The renters in the metropolis make up 51.6 percent of the city's population, and 11.1 percent of houses and apartments here are available for rent. People living in this city pay an average rental fee of $880 for a studio unit apartment, $970 for a one-bedroom home or apartment, $1,170 for a two-bedroom house or apartment, $1,550 for a three-bedroom home or apartment, and $1,570 for a four-bedroom home or apartment.

Samuel P. Harn Museum in Gainesville, Florida

The Samuel P. Harn Museum is a part of the University of Florida's campus. It was given that name in honor of the museum's founding donor, a well-known local businessman, and philanthropist who contributed the original funds for its construction. The gallery houses an array of artwork from many eras and cultures, and its permanent collection consists of pieces from Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The museum also hosts transient displays that highlight certain subjects, creators, or artistic movements. Through interesting encounters and academic possibilities, this institution hopes to encourage the knowledge and appreciation of art. Additionally, the organization provides educational activities, talks, and workshops for visitors of all ages.

Legend Senior Living in Gainesville, FL

Numerous conveniences and services are frequently offered by senior living communities. These could include gyms, reading rooms, gathering spaces, on-site dining options, barbershops or beauty shops, scheduled transportation services, and more. Additionally, relocating to an assisted living facility enables senior citizens to lessen the duties and pressures of independent life. The reduction of household chores, grocery shopping, and other time-consuming responsibilities allows them to concentrate on enjoyable activities or pursue personal interests and hobbies. Retirement communities also offer chances for interaction among peers and socialization. The elderly can take part in a variety of events. This encourages friendship, lessens social isolation, and builds a sense of community. Click here to check out what the complex has to offer.

Link to Map

Driving Direction

Harn Museum of Art

3259 Hull Rd, Gainesville, FL 32608, United States

Take Bledsoe Dr and Radio Rd to FL-121 S/SW 34th St

3 min (0.7 mi)

Drive along SW 20th Ave

6 min (2.4 mi)

Drive to your destination

2 min (0.3 mi)

Pavilion on 62nd

1000 SW 62nd Blvd,

Gainesville, FL 32607, United States

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